Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why No Starbuns?

Hey readers...all 5 of you.
I am late again with Starbun, so I thought I'd distract you with an excuse.
Justin Nichols and I have been developing another pitch for an animated TV series. We had a deadline and that is what has been delaying Starbun comics a bit.
This image here is a drawing I drew. It was the the starting point for the pitch and flourished from there. Justin has drawn it up to be much prettier. Maybe you will see it on a robot-box one day.
Hope to post a new Starbun soon.


Dan Yu said...

looks funny already!

Anonymous said...

Yay for funny aminals!

kelly erwin said...

congrads dood!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the pitch!

The giraffe makes me happy inside.


-- Random person who reads (and likes!) Starbun